The Central Art Gallery

Ancient Kauri dining table by Treology

Umber Ancient Kauri Dining Table - 40,000 year old ancient swamp kauristeel
Mica Bench Seat - River rescued matai, aged steel

Central Art Gallery Christchurch

The Central Art Gallery

Custom designed furniture

The Central Art Gallery in the historical Christchurch Arts Centre is a beautiful and welcoming space that brings people and art together.

The gallery connects artists and the community, with many ‘meet the artist’ dinners around the spectacular ancient swamp kauri dining table.

Treology custom designed and made furniture from river rescued matai, rimu and ancient swamp kauri.

Central art gallery desk by Treology

Mica Desk - River rescued rimu, aged steel
Milford Chair - River rescued matai, leather

Rimu Steel Desk at Christchurch art gallery by Treology
Mica Matai steel bench at Christchurch art gallery by Treology

Mica Bench Seat - River rescued matai, aged steel